Meet the Photographer

Hi! My name is Jackie and

I own JE Images, which is formally known as Jackie McDonald Photography. I have been a professional photographer for three years now in the Omaha NE area. I decided to take my career in a professional direction because I personally love

having memories to look back on and would love to share my passion with others.

I love looking at these memories and enjoy embarking on a journey back through

time remembering the smiles, happiness, and love that I had at that time. 

Meet Elsie

This is my assistant.  She is an amazing part of my business and the glue of my operations. Her job is to help with the things I cannot do while I'm taking photos. We don't want you to worry about anything. If you have any children, she can help watch them as they run off steam instead of them and you becoming stressed. If you have something in your hands like sunglasses or a purse, etc., she can hold it for you. Sometimes she may help get you set up for a pose. Whatever the job is, she will help make it run smooth and she will do it with a smile on her face.

Elsie McDonald Gretna Middle School

What is my approach???

There are two important subjects when it comes to photography.

1.     Artistic Approach

Some photos you might want to have candid and other photos you will also want to have posed. It's important that the background is clear of people and random items so that it doesn’t look cluttered. I also would want to hear from you and see what you are thinking but then also throw my artistic ideas into the session so that it all rolls together and becomes individual and special to you and my artistic

signature and not a stock photo that everyone else has.  Although, I do also like taking my artistic abilities up a notch by hosting mini sessions where I have a background and props that I will use for a limited number of sessions.

2. Quality

I believe that there is nothing worse than one day you are looking back and realize you or your family members do not have quality photos to appreciate. Think back to the moment you had or in the future when you have your baby or when your family meets them for the first time?  The milestones of the first year or years through school. The years when you are an adult when you never take photographs of yourself besides selfies.  The special occasions where you want to be in the photographs as well and being included in the moment?  Think back through these years.  Do you have or want int the future good quality photos that has all the members smiling in them? Are you taking the photos all the time? These days you will not get back, you may not like the way you look today, but what if you are gone tomorrow and your family has no photos of you smiling or they are blurry?

I use a high-quality gear and processes that ensures the quality will be great.  I also have knowledge of posturing and poses to bring out the moment.  To add you never have to ask, “Can you take this photo?” if I am there.  

So, what would it be like to work with us?

The initial conversation and booking:

  1. We prefer initial contact via emails to to discuss initial inquiries.  
  2. During this initial conversation we can go over ideas and what you might want to wear for your session. I can provide quotes, contracts, and payment options this way. We can also discuss over a phone call if you would prefer.
  3. After agreeing to the session, I will send you a questionnaire and formal contract. This helps me learn more about you to make the session flow smoothly.
  4. This might be the time you ask about what to wear and I can help with that.  By customer request I can provide a mood board and color scheme for ideas of what would look nice with the session we have scheduled. 

Day of the photo session:

  1. On the date that the scheduled appointment arrives I will send a reminder email 24-48 hrs prior. We will complete the session as agreed on originally. 
  2. I will advise on poses and hand arrangements during the session and will also work towards candid photos as well. 
  3. My assistant photographer, Elsie, will be around to help when needed. I want you to be relaxed and enjoy the photography session because that's the secret of obtaining a nice and natural smile(s).  So, if there are children involved my assistant may intervene and help with them to keep them calm when needed. She can help with lighting when needed. 

After the photo session:

  1. I will send you the photos that have make my expectations for my signature of photography. This will be your chance to review and choose your photos you would like me to edit. You will have these photos within 24-48 hrs after the session. I appreciate it when you submit your choice photos within 24-48 hrs for smooth and quick turn around on final edits.  To add, you can choose your Sneak-Peak photos, up to 5 max.
  2.      I will provide 3-5 Sneak-Peak photos within 24-48 hrs from when I receive your choices. These photos you can enjoy and share while I finish up the full session. My goal is 1 week turn around but no longer than 1 month.
  3.      Once postproduction is completed, I will provide you with the Final Session via email.
  4. Once delivered you can choose to order USB or CD digital delivery and you can order À la carte. (Picture Frames, photo prints, and special requests like magnets, key chains, ornaments, etc.) 

My job is to make you happy and to ensure you get the photos you are wanting. Photography is a passion of mine that I want to share with you. I want you to be happy and because of that I will go above and beyond or at least try.

I do this by:

  • Communication
  • Helping with the booking process if needed
  • Meeting you anywhere for beautiful photos (pending on distance and safety)
  • Providing Sneak Peeks
  • Asking for feedback and being receptive
  • Providing the digital copy to be able to download and print as you desire.
  • Providing print options and helping you complete the printing process if that is what you desire.
  • Providing an easy, safe, and secure way to pay (cash or card)